The Crawfords of Crawfordsburn,
Belfast, Dublin and Cork

(Later in Australia, Germany, Canada and the USA)

The Crawfords probably came from Baidland, near Dalry in Ayreshire, Scotland and probably arrived in Ireland early in the 17th century. Earliest deeds go back to 1618.

Table 1 lists trees dedicated to the family history of the Crawfords of Crawfordsburn and branches thereof, and includes names linked by marriage. There are some 'maybe linked' trees in Table 2 below.

Some names have their own page, which includes any known information about the person including pictures if these are available

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(Please scroll down for the Tables of Trees).

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Table One (Families known to be linked to each other and may be to that in Table 2)
Tree 1 The Crawford family, originally of Crawfordsburn and Rademon Co Down
Tree 1e The Crawford family of Orangefield
Tree 1d The Alexander family, of Gannochy, Ballyclose, Guneland, Forkhill, Milford
Tree 2 The Sharman-Crawford family, originally of Crawfordsburn and Rademon, Co Down
Tree 3 The Gordon family of Delamont, Killyleagh, Co Down and Florida Manor, Co Down
Tree 4 The Uniacke family of Mount Uniacke and Castletown Co Cork
Tree 5 The Kennedy family of Cultra Manor, and of Kennedy Lodge, Craigavad, Co Down
Tree 6 The Coddington family of Oldbridge, Co Meath
Table Two (may be linked to above)
Tree 12 The Crawford family of Co Leitrim and Co Fermanagh