Dickinson Enterprises Contact Details


Pastures New
92 Hawthorn Road

Telephone:0333 7000 737 (Please note 03 numbers cost the same to call as a regular landline numbers AND they are included in people's free minutes, so they are better than standard numbers if you are calling from your mobile.

You can also leave a voicemail message on the 0333 number if we are not able to answer your call.

Please note: Because this business is closing the 0333 number will soon cease to exist. Please use it until you can no longer get through and thereafter use my landline 01522 858230

If you happen to want a start with a new hobby/business I will be selling equipment and stock - basically for the cost of the stock, including badges, vinyl rolls and some pre-printed lettering packs.

Here is our contact email address for enquiries:-

Please always leave the displayed subject line unchanged in your email.:

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*****We celebrated 20 years trading with the Millenium******AND, unbelievably, NOW OVER DOUBLE THAT !