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CARVER Robert Hugh
Born 1920

A newspaper cutting in the Liverpool Echo reported that an ex RAF Corporal named CARVER had been left £250,000 on the condition that he changed his name to SHARMAN-CRAWFORD, his mother being Helen Mary, daughter of Colonel Robert Gordon SHARMAN-CRAWFORD of Crawfordsburn House, Crawfordsburn, Co Down. (Helen's brother Terence died in an motor cycle accident, in 1913, just prior to WW1). Robert Hugh was the last of the family to own the house, which he sold in 1947.

Robert's grandfather Col Robert Gordon SHARMAN-CRAWFORD died in 1934. It would seem as if the estate was not passed to Robert Hugh until 1941. (Ref Daily Mail 20 Sept 1941). This delay may have been due to Robert Hugh not being of age to receive his inheritance, since in 1941 he would be twenty one, or maybe that was when his mother died.

Robert Hugh married Vera and they had at least one child Terence. He was the son of Captain Hugh CARVER, second son of Frederick William CARVER of Oakhurst, Knutsford, Cheshire.

Disappointingly, although he is still living at the time of writing, Robert is unfortunately unable, due to ill-health, to assist me with verifying these details, and sadly his son knows nothing of the family background, so is unable to help.

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